Neon Rhythm
Neon Rhythm
Neon Rhythm

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Neon Rhythm

Join the famous rhythm world in Neon Rhythm! Start your journey to conquer new challenges right away.

Neon Rhythm is an online game that features a challenging music theme, making it extremely interesting and attractive to players. The goal of the game is to win the challenge. In each round, you challenge your musical ears and your excellent reflexes as you tap the notes on the floor to the rhythm to defeat your opponent before he harms you. What are you waiting for? Join Neon Rhythm now!

Check out our arcade game collection, where you can conquer new challenges like Candy Jump or Jumping Shell. Don't miss out on exciting opportunities!

How to play

In this Neon Rhythm game, players participate in challenges by using the mouse to move and follow the instructions. Make sure your opponent's energy bar drops before yours drops to 0 and counter his powerful attacks while you drain his life with outstanding effort. Good luck!